Mediation and Neutral Evaluation Practice

Thoughtful, mindful and respectful mediation is offered by Ms. Cray. 

The philosophy behind Ms. Cray’s mediation practice:

“After over thirty years of litigating cases throughout California, I have observed the attempts to develop respect, courtesy, honesty and fair dealing in litigation.  Although I found that efforts were made to promote these values in the 80’s, the current fierce economic climate, the highly competitive drive for success, and a non-collaborative political environment, have resulted in what is currently a more acrimonious legal landscape than ever before.  As a result, people and corporations who must participate in the litigation process for whatever reason are often fearful, disillusioned, or even intimidated, and may feel marginalized in a process in which they feel they have little control or input.  As a result, I have made it my commitment in presiding over mediation or other alternative dispute resolution proceedings to bring respect and kindness to all participants, to provide understanding of the proceedings occurring to all participants, and to mindfully explore solutions to the problems before me with thoughtful, meaningful, and creative involvement.”

To achieve the best results in mediation, Ms. Cray will explore, among other things:

*Pre-mediation conferences with all attorneys and possibly participants as allowed by their counsel to explore the issues to be discussed, and the best possible environment for an effective session

*Consider location and scheduling as enhancing the success of mediation

*Consider obstacles to mediation and the best method to address those obstacles

*Consider the personal needs of counsel and the parties in the conduct of the mediation

*Ask for a review all materials which counsel and the parties feel should be considered before the mediation

Among things Ms. Cray will not do is require counsel and parties to stay late into the day or evening to try to compel a resolution.  However, Ms. Cray will stay late if that is the expressed desire of all counsel and parties. 

Ms. Cray’s experience with alternative dispute resolution

Ms. Cray currently serves as a voluntary mediator for the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California.  She has handled mediation of cases of all kinds, including contract disputes, federal statutory claims including ADA, Fair Debt Collection Practices and Unfair Credit Reporting, and civil rights claims.  Prior to serving on the Federal Court mediation panel, she had over ten years experience handling settlement conferences for the Santa Clara County Superior Court.

Ms. Cray’s services

Ms. Cray offers mediation and neutral evaluation services. Rates are determined based on the time and services required.  

Ms. Cray’s extensive experience in the state and federal courts as a litigator, arbitrator, settlement conference judge and mediator in a broad range of subject matter will provide an experienced practitioner for all alternative dispute resolution needs.